After we have completed our testing, we provide you with a full breakdown and analysis of the test results and provide you with a proposal for remediating any vulnerabilities.

We all have technology that has required some sort of regular software update. The updates are pushed out by the manufacturer as a response to identified issues and vulnerabilities. In many cases, they’re released too late.

You can’t afford to wait until someone tries to exploit a flaw in your system in order to patch it. That’s why we provide a proactive scanning solution that examines both your internal and external vulnerabilities.

We analyze everything from your network hardware, to your desktops, and applications. Our state-of-the-art scanning solutions paint a comprehensive picture of the problem and ensure that you’re able to spot the weakness in an ever-changing network environment.

Business Continuity Planning is the way an organization can prepare for and aid in disaster recovery. It is an arrangement agreed upon in advance by management and key personnel of the steps that will be taken to help the organization recover should any type of disaster occur. These programs prepare for multiple problems. Detailed plans are created that clearly outline the actions that an organization or particular members of an organization will take to help recover/restore any of its critical operations that may have been either completely or partially interrupted during or after (occurring within a specified period of time) a disaster or other extended disruption in accessibility to operational functions. In order to be fully effective at disaster recovery, these plans are recommended to be regularly practiced as well as outlined.

Some very recognizable companies and government agencies turn to us for assistance in addressing their information security concerns and needs with solutions that mitigate the risks of those concerns as they relate to business goals and mission.

Our expert staff stay active in the cyber security threat intelligence community so we bring you expertise that blends latest research, emerging technologies and associated vulnerabilities and threats with years of experience and knowledge.

​Let us bring you a variety of skillsets and experience to address your concerns and align to your business initiatives.

Secured IT Solutions provide Incident Response capabilities 24/7/365 to support you in your time of crisis! When an incident occurs we will respond quickly and efficiently and will work with your team to assess the situation, establish a mitigation and recovery plan and collect the information pointing to the root cause of the incident. The most complex aspect of this offering is the evidence collection and handling. Secured IT Solutions' Consultants understand proper evidence handling and chain of custody rules.

Incident Response

Disaster Recovery (DR) is the process an organization uses to recover access to their software, data, and/or hardware that are needed to resume the performance of normal, critical business functions after the event of either a natural disaster or a disaster caused by humans. While Disaster Recovery plans, or DRPs, often focus on bridging the gap where data, software, or hardware have been damaged or lost, one cannot forget the vital element of manpower that composes much of any organization. A building fire might predominantly affect vital data storage; whereas an epidemic illness is more likely to have an affect on staffing. Both types of disaster need to be considered when creating a DR Plan. Thus, organizations should include in their DRPs contingencies for how they will cope with the sudden and/or unexpected loss of key personnel as well as how to recover their data.

Vulnerability Scans & Assessments

Program Development


Business Continuity Planning & Disaster Recovery

By testing and measuring your security system, not only can you identify areas of weakness, you can then proactively prevent attacks before they even begin.  One way to do this is through Penetration Testing.

During a series of controlled tests, our trained and experienced consultants and certified ethical hackers use the same tools and techniques a criminal hacker would use to inflict harm on your network infrastructure and applications. The testing can be scheduled, or performed unexpectedly to more accurately simulate a real-world attack.

Secured IT Solutions offers both internal and external, crystal-box or black-box penetration testing. We will tailor a solution for you based on your objectives.

Whether you’re a large corporation or a small company, you’ll find our solutions easy, effective, and affordable.

More importantly, we provide the human touch. We pride ourselves on being your trusted advisor, and ensuring that you’re taken care of from start to finish. Our friendly experts take the time to ensure you understand both the process itself and most importantly, how to interpret and act on the results of the scan.

Because we pride ourselves on being your trusted advisor we offer not only assessments of your technical controls, but also your management and operational controls too and provide you a comprehensive and easy to understand report together with remediation recommendations.

Penetration Testing

+1(702) 608-0437

Threats and technologies are evolving every minute.
Are you meeting the challenge?

We help clients to align their operations with best international standards such as NIST and ISO by offering Program Development and Implementation services. As part of a comprehensive and robust security program, not only do you need strong technical controls in place but also management and operational controls. These often are implemented by way of policies and procedures and these need to be clear and effective to ensure the best chance of adoption by your employees and contractors. When written effectively, these policies provide clear guidelines and set the proper expectations to ensure that the human factor isn’t your weakest link.

Time and time again, an employee’s failure to properly comply with a company’s security policy is a major cause of security breaches. It is therefore critical to not only have the right security infrastructure, but also to ensure you have a clear set of security guidelines employees can understand, implement and follow.

Just like your information technology and security needs, there is no one size fits all approach when it comes to developing a security program. Every organization has unique needs. Let Secured IT Solutions help design your security program tailored to fit your organization’s specific needs.