Health care institutions are required by law to protect the privacy of protected health information. This is all done in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 2006 and the Health Information Technology for Economical and Clinical Health (HITECH).

As the healthcare industry continues to embrace technology through measures like electronic healthcare records, the demand for information security increases. HIPAA is designed to improve the security of the health care system and reduce the incidence of fraud. Recognizing the risks associated with not securing personal information, HIPAA contains regulations for information privacy and network system security. Above all else, the focus of HIPAA is to ensure the secure 

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requires organizations that store, process, or transmit payment card data to comply in order to protect cardholder data (CHD).

Secured IT Solutions offers our clients on-going PCI consulting services. From Subject Matter Experts (SME) for logging, encryption, or tokenization, to working with PCI gaps, we offer the best service in the industry. Many of our customers utilize PCI consulting services annually or semi-annually to meet their deadlines and objectives and avoid unnecessary fines for non-compliance.

electronic transfer of patient healthcare information. As of April 2006, all healthcare providers must be compliant with HIPAA.

The HITECH Act extends HIPAA’s privacy and security requirements to business associates and augments notification requirements when PHI is breached or disclosed.

Due to the wide-range of HIPAA and HITECH regulations, compliance requires a comprehensive effort by the entire organization. These efforts include the development of internal policies, training, and auditing of both personnel and practices. Healthcare organizations must comply with HIPAA and HITECH’s technology risk management and information security standards, or face strict penalties or even loss of accreditation. However, providing documentation on policies and procedures such as risk assessment, incident reporting, and system auditing, poses tough challenges to an organization. Secured IT Solutions has the ability to ease the burden placed on healthcare organization by HIPAA.

Secured IT Solutions offers a complete line of services to aid you in HIPAA and HITECH compliance including:

  • Policy Development
  • Risk Assessment
  • Penetration Testing
  • Vulnerability Scanning




​In this day and age, worrying about security alone is a full time job. Many companies are subject to multiple regulations – regulations which can be difficult and costly to identify and manage. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Here at Secured IT Solutions, we are dedicated to taking the pain out of the compliance process. We get you compliant quickly and smoothly, and focusing on running your business.

Whether it’s a single compliance standard such as FISMA/NIST, FedRAMP, PCI DSS, GLBA, HIPAA, ISO 27001/2 or Sarbanes-Oxley, or multiple combined, Secured IT Solutions has extensive expertise and 

+1(702) 608-0437


When NIST revamped the certification and accreditation (C&A) process to a risk management framework (RMF), many still struggled to grasp how the framework helped with focusing on the highest risk priority controls while balancing the need to address all the security controls outlined in NIST SP 800-53 for the applicable security category. How does this really take risk into consideration when you still have to implement all the controls?

Secured IT Solutions provides a methodology and walk through of a risk - based approach (compliant with 800-37) to implementing NIST SP 800-53, Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems so that the numerous amount of controls can be prioritized based on risk (the likelihood of an incident and the impact it poses) enabling organization to focus on the top prioritized controls and addressing the others later. This methodology encompasses all the necessary elements of a risk assessment and management program. Automated tools have been developed to streamline and effectively maintain the process.

The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002 was developed based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) set of standards.

All government agencies, contractors and organizations that exchange data directly with government systems must be FISMA compliant. This may include such diverse entities as data clearinghouses, state departments and military subcontractors if data is exchanged directly with federal government systems. Coverage may expand to include public and private sector entities that utilize, manage or run critical infrastructures if FISMA security controls are combined with the Consensus Audit Guidelines as part of the new U.S. Information and Communications Enhancement (ICE) Act.

experience in bringing you into compliance as quickly and painlessly as possible. We offer assessments, audits, reporting and remediation planning.

​​Like all our services, we don’t stop there. We provide on-going monitoring and managed solutions to ensure that you are compliant, and that you remain there as well. Whether this is your first time dealing with compliance, or you’re an industry veteran, let Secured IT Solutions be your in-house compliance team. Allow us the opportunity to bring peace of mind to your business today.